This charter guides the action of the Conseil GCC 1855 and its offshoots in the accomplishment of its missions. It does not replace individual initiatives by members. It constitutes a foundation of values common to the Grands Crus Classés en 1855 and brings together their fundamental principles of action. It reflects the spirit of excellence and initiative of the Grands Crus Classés en 1855. Respect for laws, regulations and decisions constitutes an essential first commitment to the defence of the values shared by the Grands Crus Classés en 1855. The Conseil GCC 1855 is committed, alongside the Grands Crus Classés 1855, to an ethical approach, of sustainable excellence, in support of their values and actions. It publishes the actions taken by its members each year, in a sustainable excellence report.

The GCC 1855 Ethical Charter

